Connect to CLAAW
Reach out to our co-chairs with any questions.
Media Contacts
Are you a member of the media? Here are some staff at our member organizations who are ready for your questions:
Rachel Fox Armstrong, Development and Communications Manager, Legal Action of Wisconsin,, 414-274-3097
Benson Gardner, Communications and Development Manager, Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation,, 608-620-0711
Join our Alliance
Does your organization work to provide access to justice for people in Wisconsin? Consider applying to join the Alliance!
Join the Action Alert Email List
Don't want to join the Alliance but still want to increase access to justice in Wisconsin? Sign up for Wisconsin Access to Justice Alerts! You’ll get occasional emails (we anticipate a few per year) about steps you can take to help the cause.
Legal Assistance
Looking for legal assistance or services? Note that the Civil Legal Aid Alliance of Wisconsin does not provide legal services. Contact one of our member organizations.